PhD chemist and technology manager
Fellow, the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Fellow, Institute of Quarrying, Australia
Dr. Dallas Wilkinson has a Ph.D. in Chemistry, an MBA in Technology Management and is graduate of the Australian Institute of Companies Directors. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and a Fellow of Institute of Quarrying, Australia (IQA).
Dallas is customer focused, strategic international leader growing businesses and people by applying & commercializing technology. Before joining Dennemeyer Dallas had over 30 years in the Global Mining Services sector gaining extensive international experience in roles spanning R+D, technology, sales, marketing, business management, general management, strategy, safety, risk, manufacturing, operations and business turnarounds.
His appetite for global roles and different cultures developed when he was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral fellowship at Munich’s Technische Universitat. Dallas has published over 50 scientific and technical papers and presented at many conferences throughout the world.
Dallas has been on boards for over 20 years and his directorships currently includes Austmine Chair) – Australia’s
premium industry association for Mining, Equipment, Technology and Services.
Dallas is an active and passionate mentor in programs including AusIMM Women in Mining, Women in International Resources and Austmine’s innovation mentoring program.
Dallas is the Regional Managing Director for Dennemeyer’s APAC business.